Suzanne van Bunnik
Mr. Van Bunnik started as a criminal lawyer in January 2008 and joined Coumans and Van Gaalen Criminal Lawyers in 2014. In addition to committal (juvenile) criminal law (murder, manslaughter, burglaries, home robberies, etc.), she specializes in Victim Law.
If you are the victim of a violent crime, she will help you draw up the request for compensation, attend the victim interview with the public prosecutor and assist you at the hearing (also on the basis of financed legal aid).
She is a member of the NVSA (Dutch Association of Criminal Lawyers) and Stichting LANGZS (Stichting Landelijk Advocaten Netwerk Geweld- en Zeden Slachtoffers) specialization associations.
Mr. Van Bunnik has registered the following main and secondary specializations in the Register of Legal Areas of the Netherlands Bar Association:
- Criminal Law
- Victim law
- Juvenile Criminal Law
Pursuant to this registration, she is required to obtain ten training points in each registered main area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.
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